【域名注册推荐】NameSilo域名圣诞节约33% com $6.00 net $5.80

NameSilo一家国外有名的域名注册商,在这Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 之际发布了促销活动,而这次优惠活动也仅限新注册,并且每个用户使用优惠券也有次数限制,每个用户限制使用5次,并且对于这次域名注册的数量限制在15,000以内,喜欢的朋友不要错过了。NameSilo域名com net注册优惠券:33OFF2014


33OFF2014 – To celebrate reaching our goal of doubling domains under management in 2014, we are very pleased to offer coupon code 33OFF2014. This coupon will discount 33% off of any .com or .net new registration order up to $20! This results in .com registrations for only $6.00 and .net registrations for just $5.80. There is a limit of 15,000 total uses and each customer can redeem the coupon 5 times. Sorry, but this coupon does not work for transfers or renewals.


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