Managed 服务器- XP1700, 40gb disk, 256ram, win2k - LOADS OF SOFTWARE!!!!!!

Hi all, I have one of the following server available for immediate setup. The specs are as follows: Hardware - Athlon XP 1700+ - 256MB RAM - 40GB 7200 RPM disk - 10/100 Ethernet card - **400 GIGs** of high quality **Level3** bandwidth Software - Hosting Controller 2002 - Macromedia ColdFusion 5.0 - MS SQL 2000 - mySQL 4 - PHP 4.1.1 - Perl 5 Ips are unlimited with justification (free). This server is fully managed as well. Reboots are absolutely free. IP to trace: Monthly cost: $399 per month, NO SETUP! Email for details, Thanks, Asher.

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