PLESK or ENISIM UNLIMITED - 40gigs - 600gigs - $129

-------------------------- Server Specifications -------------------------- AMD XP 1600+ CPU 512MB PC133 Memory 40GB 7200RPM Hard Drive 600 Gigs of transfer per month 100Mbit Fully Burstable switch APC Remote Reboot Switch Toll Free Tech support Help Desk system Unlimited IPS on ARIN JUSTIFICATION (8IPS included initially) Ensim unlimited or Plesk unlimited conrol panel. ------------------------- UPGRADES ------------------------- Hardware - AMD XP2000+ CPU - $50 (one time fee) - Maxtor 80GB 7200RPM HDD - $30 (one time fee) - 512MB SDRAM - $90 (one time fee) Bandwidth -$45 /MBIT (roughly 300gigs) Setup Fee: $99.00 Monthly Fee: $129.00 Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We hope to here from you soon! EMAIL: AIM: Graphical Edge ICQ: 72251955 PHONE: 1-877-850-7658

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