NL 独立 服务器 for EUR 99 per month

Special Offer: A dedicated server hosted in the Netherlands, for just 99 euro per month (about $100). Specifications: - Intel Celeron 1.2 GHz - 512 MB RAM - 40 GB harddisk - GNU/Linux or FreeBSD installed - 25 GB traffic per month (no 95%, just raw traffic) - 100 mbit/s network connection - Traffic Statistics - Free Domainname - Startup Costs: EUR 125.00 - Monthly Costs: EUR 99.00 We accept both wire transfer and credit card as payment method. If you are able to read Dutch, please take a look at for more information. Otherwise, feel free to send me an e-mail to, I will answer your mail asap. Extra options: - APC Master Switch Connection: EUR 15.00/month - 1 GB traffic: EUR 5.00 - 25 GB traffic: EUR 50.00 - 1 mbit/s bandwidth: EUR 400.00 All prices include 19% VAT.

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