Xen or OpenVZ 50% off first month. From $4.87 for the first month. UK and US

We are pleased to announce our new unmanaged line offering both UK and US based unmanaged VPS with lots of resource for little money. All servers are hosted on Dual Core with 4GB RAM. Packages 128Mb 5Gb 150Gb £4.75 / $9.75 - $4.87 first month 256Mb 10Gb 300Gb £9.00 / $18.00 - $9 first month 384Mb 15Gb 600Gb £12.00 / $24.00 - $12 first month 512Mb 20Gb 800Gb £18.00 / $36.00 - $18 first month 1024Mb 40Gb 1500Gb £35.00 / $70.00 - $35 first month 2048Mb 80GB 2000Gb £70.00 / $140.00 - $70 first month To order please goto http://www.cheapvps.co.uk/?page_id=4 We are offering 50% off the first month with the coupon 50OFF meaning your first months rental will be 1/2 price. If you have any questions please either PM myself, reply to the thread or email sales@cheapvps.co.uk UK Test IP US Test IP

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