[UK] Windows & Linux Virtual 服务器s

Dear All SynergyWorks Internet is an established hosting company based in four UK datacentres. TelecityRedbus Meridian Gate, BluesquareData Maidenhead, Thus iPHouse & Kent Science Park. We run our own quad-router BGP4 multihomed network, AS41659. Based in our London or Maidenhead locations, we can now offer the following Virtual Servers: Core2/Quad Host CPU 128MB Dedicated RAM 16GB Virtual SCSI Disk CentOS 4.5 or 5.0 Installed Unlimited IPs, Subject to Justification 24/7 Support (inc Telephone) £15/month (exc VAT) + FREE Setup Core2/Quad Host CPU 256MB Dedicated RAM 32GB Virtual SCSI Disk CentOS 4.5 or 5.0 Installed Unlimited IPs, Subject to Justification 24/7 Support (inc Telephone) £25/month (exc VAT) + FREE Setup Core2/Quad Host CPU 512MB Dedicated RAM 48GB Virtual SCSI Disk CentOS 4.5 or 5.0 Installed Unlimited IPs, Subject to Justification 24/7 Support (inc Telephone) £35/month (exc VAT) + FREE Setup Windows Server 2003 VPSs: Additional £10/month We accept: Cheque, BACs/SO, NoChex and Paypal. Kind Regards,

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