Takeover VPS- 512MB 内存, Directadmin, ONLY $25/month

I have a VPS with cheapvps.co.uk (brand of a2b2.com). I am looking for dedicate server and that why I do not need VPS any more. They agreed to transfer to new user for free. This is server information: CentOS Operating System 10gb space 512mb Guranteed Ram (I got free double RAM for life from their promotion-normally 256MB) 1024mb Burstable Ram 300gb Traffic Directadmin ($10/month) Unmanaged UK datacenter Test IPs: UK You can upgrade the next plan and use coupon RAMX2 to get double RAM for life. I paid: $81 (3 months with 5% discount, include Directadmin - 3 months) $15 (setup control panel fee - You don't have to pay this if you takeover my VPS) The renew day is: 26-Nov-2007. It means you will have 2 months to use this server. Price: ONLY $50 (After that $28/month, including Directadmin) Please pay me via PayPal. If you are interested in this server, please send me PM. Thank you.

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