AMD Duron 1 GHz in the Netherlands: EUR 89.00/month

From today we offer the following dedicated server: - AMD Duron 1 GHz CPU - 512 MB SDRAM - 40 GB 7200 rpm HDD - 25 GB traffic monthly - 4 IP addresses - Network: ActiveDomain, Rotterdam, the Netherlands (use for traceroutes) - OS: GNU/Linux (RedHat, Debian, Slackware) or FreeBSD - Monthly payment - Startup Costs: EUR 99.00 - Monthly Costs: EUR 89.00 We accept bank transfer and credit card (2,5% transaction costs will apply) as payment method. Extra traffic costs: 1 GB: EUR 5.00 25 GB: EUR 50.00 100 GB: EUR 175.00 We put the cheapest combination on your invoice (like 26 GB is 25+1 GB). We do not allow shell/IRC servers. As long as it doesn't do anything wrong you are allowed to run an IRCd, but if you get a DDoS attack because of running an IRCd or IRC bots, we will shutdown your server immediately. So running IRC services is at your own risks. We try to keep our network running stable. In the last 3 months the total downtime was about 10 minutes, because of a switch replacement. Adult content is allowed, as long as it is legal in the country you live in and in the Netherlands. For more information please visit your website: Our website is currently only available in Dutch. If you can't read our website, don't hesitate to contact us by email at ... we are glad to give you any information in English.

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