Dual Xeon & Dual Athlon 2400

$229/month - $99 Setup OR $269/month $0 Setup ----------------------------- Dual MP 2400 (2 available) 2 GIGS PC133 / DDR 120 GB HD 300 GB Bandwidth 5 IPs Order Here -and- $229/month - $99 Setup OR $269/month $0 Setup ------------------------------ Dual Xeon (5 available) 2 GIGS PC133 / DDR 120 GB HD 300 GB Bandwidth 5 IPs Order Here -------------------------- These are semi-managed servers. Full server management available. IP to ping RedHat Linux 8.0 Additional IPs $10 @ 10/Block (with justification) cPanel - $9.95/month These servers are available in the quantity stated above, otherwise setup will be within 48 hrs of ordering. NOC: Burst/Nocster Connection: Verizon™ & Cambrian™ OC-Level fiber, as well as PPL Telcom™ & CTSI™ Gigabit fiber. Transit is provided via 100MBPS Metro Fast Ethernet drops from Verio™, Level3™, XO™, Cogent™, & MFN/AboveNET™, and Global Crossing™ 100MBPS Gigabit fiber Hardware: All hardware is comprised of major brand-name components (Intel™/AMD™ Processors, 3Com™/Intel™ NICs, PC100/133 SDRAM/PC2100 DDR) Contact sales@i-netsolutions.net with questions.

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