200GB BW - 2GB Space - Free IPs - 0$ setup - 19$/month CPanel 不限 Resellers

2 GB Storage 200 GB Yipes Traffic Always latest CPanel with all options set to unlimited (domains, subdomains, email accounts, DataBases and so on) Maximum of 18 Reseller accounts on 2.6 Pentium 4 - 1GB RAM Maximum of 10 Reseller accounts on 1.8 AMD XP - 512GB RAM (please note that very FEW providers tell you how many users they will put on one machine... compare us to other offers) For PING and SPEED TEST: ftp://speed:testing@ Price: 19$/month - no setup Alternative option: 10$/month - 50$ setup You can pay via PayPal, Credit Card or Postal Mail* Send email to sales@stargate.hm if you have any questions or want to pay via postal payment. Credit Card Order Link PayPal: paypal@allsol.biz *Postal Mail means that we will set you up as soon as your postal payment has arrived at our offices. It is advisable to send 2-3 monthly fees each time rather then every month to reduce postal fees. We accept US$ and EURO bills. No coins.

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