服务器 for one month

This might seem odd but I currently have a RTO server from EZZI and the 6 month term expires on August 20th. However, I do not need the server for this last month so I was wondering if anyone wants to take if for one month, or from when you buy until August 20th. Here are the specs: Asus Terminator AMD 2100+ XP 40 GB Seagate 7200 RPM 512 SDRAM PC133 300 GB Monthly Transfer Red Hat 7.3 Webmin if wanted You will get root access and full control over this server until August 20th. I am looking for somewhere around $100 for this. As some of you know, EZZI has a great network for gaming so if your clan is looking for a temperary server this will be perfect. I can even show you how to setup game servers. Test IP = PayPal Accepted VertexJeff on AIM for any questions.

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