[creativeVPS] Back at it! 30% Off Your First Month! Fully Managed with Choice of DC!

creativeVPS was formed during the second quarter of 2007 as an alternative to the thriving demand, and fierce overselling of VPS services. creativeVPS has gotten off the ground as a key provider of non-oversold, premium VPS services. Basing our datacenter out of Los Angeles, California, we maximize bandwidth distribution, and connection efficiency. Our core principals revolve around customer service, as well as continuous service. We believe that if the customer is not satisfied, we're not doing our jobs. Our level of service is aimed to provide overwhelming satisfaction, even if it means going the extra mile, for all customers. As part of our continuous service guarantee, we provide 99.9% Uptime SLA every month, excluding network and hardware maintenance. New at creativeVPS! You now have a free choice to have your VPS located in the datacenter of your choice. Now you can have a VPS in our premiere Los Angeles DC, but also in our prestigious Dallas location. The new location is at the Infomart, and satisfaction is guaranteed! More information on this datacenter, is available below. UNTIL MARCH 1ST 2008, USE THE PROMO CODE 30OFFWHT TO CLAIM 30% OFF YOUR FIRST MONTH AT THE DATACENTER OF YOUR CHOICE!

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