£60/month = 10Mbps 无限 服务器

The deal is as follows: Each server is connected to a 10Mbps port with a contention ratio of 10:1. This guarantees at least 1Mbps Full duplex, so 600GB transfer per month (300 up, 300 down) Each server has the following specification: £60/month (£80 setup) This price is based on 3 months advance payment 6 month advance payment = no setup fee Athlon XP 1800+ 256MB DDR ram 30GB IDE hard drive (WD) 10Mbps unmetered port 4IPs Redhat 7.3/9.0 This is perfect as a small game server, dns server, email server, or even for hosting websites :-) Anyone interested please get into contact at webmaster@22host.co.uk Thanx James

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