colo special ending Oct 1st, free first month $99 and up

As posted earlier this month, and ending Oct 1st Co-location specials, first month free. 512Kbps of premium Verio bandwidth 1U of telco grade rackspace. Unlimited IP's (subject to justification) $99/mo $100 one-time rack and setup fee. 1Mbps of premium Verio bandwidth 2U of telco grade rackspace (1 power port). Unlimited IP's (subject to justification) $175/mo $100 one-time rack and setup fee. 2Mbps of premium Verio bandwidth 4U of telco grade rackspace (1 power port). Unlimited IP's (subject to justification) $300/mo $100 one-time rack and setup fee. Month to month contract. Facility is located in beautiful Detroit MI. Contact for information.

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