[UK] 1 TBytes per month AMD XP 2000+ 服务器 , £199 per month , 100 Mbps burst

Hello all, AMD XP 2000+ CPU 1024 MBytes DDR 80 GByte Disk, 8Mb cache 100 Mbps burstable port 1TBytes per month transfer £199 per month £99 setup (free setup on a 6 month contract) We will have 10 of these available on saturday running your request of OS: Redhat 7.3 Redhat 8.0 Redhat 9.0 FreeBSD Slackware Debian Windows 2000 server (£120 setup charge) Add Cpanel/WHM for only £40 per month Test IP : Contact neil@tsn.uk.com (we accept paypal, bank tx, cheque/postal orders) Warmest Regards, Neil Bowen P.S: We will shortly be offering colocation, dedicated servers and IPTransit deals to Redbus2, Redbus1 and Telehouse East from just £20 per Mbps (fully global) contact me for more details.

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