Counter-Strike 1.6 服务器 -- 55 USD/month

16 Player Public Counter-Strike 1.6 Server Location: EV1 Servers Data Centre Processor: Pentium 4 2.4 GHz Memory: 512 MB Mods: Your choice of mods, control over installing your own mods Administrative Access: Access via RCON and full access to configuration files (via FTP and SSH) Bandwidth: 5 GB/month for accompanying web space, CS traffic is unmetered Disk Space: 1024 MB (for stats, logs, maps, and web space) Unique IP Address No setup fees, including the installation of HLDS Monthly Fees: 55 USD/month IP address: Note: Included in the monthly fees are updates performed weekly using the STEAM system. If you wish however, you may opt out of this service and choose to administer the server on your own through a SSH account. This server is available as the result of a customer who has chosen not to continue with his account for next month. The reason for his leaving is the break up of the clan for which the server was obtained. His clan was satisfied with the performance of the server and level of service for technical inquiries.

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