█ HURRY 25% OFF █ HA & Self Healing Cloud Virtual Machines █ From $18/m (1G 内存) █

Hi Everyone, We're proud to announce our latest Cloud Hosting Plans powered by OnApp with support of 30+ OS templates of CentOS, Fedora, FreeBSD, Debian, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, etc. Overview Our cloud servers operate on a very solid infrastructure consisting of Redundant HyperVisors for failover, Enterprise Class multiple Dell Equallogic SAN Units operated by fast SAS disks, Redundant Network, etc. Our VPS plans are very reliable, flexible and allow you to upgrade as your hosting requirements grow. Automatic failover feature helps in keeping your server up and accessible from an alternate HyperVisor node if the existing node fails. In such a way, High Availability of your server is achieved. All mission-critical data is backed up automatically every week on a separate backup server at no additional cost. You will also be able to manage your cloud VPS server from the web-based management panel. Features: 1) Fully Redundant + Self Healing Our cloud environment is fully redundant with self-healing and automatic failover features to keep your server up and working 24/7. Unlike a single server unit, cloud is operated from multiple redundant failover HyperVisors. Hence, a single HyperVisor server failure will NOT take your server down as it will failover on another active HyperVisor. 2) Scalable Our cloud computing clients do not need to worry about usage spikes since our plans are instantly scalable! You can add more resources or upgrade your account for higher CPU, RAM, storage space, etc. at any time without the need of migrating your server. Each of our HyperVisor servers are powered by very latest Dual Intel E5 Series Processors, Ultrafast Solid State Drives and 128GB RAM. 3) High Performance Your VPS hosting service will operate from multiple servers rather than a traditional single server unit. This will ensure load balancing of your server across multiple hypervisors that results in excellent performance. Our infrastructure features Enterprise Class Fully Redundant Dell Equallogic SAN Storage Units operated by very fast SAS drives to ensure ultimate accessibility Hardware Setup - Dual Intel E5 Processors on HV's - 128GB DDR3 ECC RAM on HV's - Dell EqualLogic Enterprise SAN for SAS Storage - Redundant Uplinks - Separate Backup Server - 1GigE & 10GigE Connectivity - 24x7 Monitoring of infrastructure

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