LIFETIME OFFER: No monthly costs, for almost 2 years! Check this out!

ONLY 1 SERVER AVAILABLE: * INTEL PIV 2.4 GHz * 1024 MB DDRAM * [2 x] 80GB HDD (main & backup) * Red Hat 9.0 * 500GB Transfer * 14 IP Addresses (3 already used) * with Cpanel/WHM & others * NO MONTHLY COST UNTIL SEPTEMBER 2005 (after, $110/month, you do the math - we reserve the right to extend this offer) - This does not cover bandwidth overusage and is non refundable * This is a PRODUCTION SERVER with around 190 accounts total (all profit for you), we'll even offer the client managing system with SSL CERT included. * We will remain using the server free of charge (only one reseller account w/6 accounts total) this our advantage ... managed hosting * Please note you are buying all this, not renting, we wish to leave hosting business and continue with our local services. This is not due to profit margins or problems with this server (in fact we wish to remain using it), feel free to ask any questions! Offers and questions by e-mail please.

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