Tomcat SSD Cloud Hosting - USA & EU, Total Control

Tomcat Cloud Hosting - Built for Java Developers Genuine Java hosting combined with the power of cloud to enable complete control, easy management and redundancy, at an unbeatable price.
  • Java by JavaPipe The experts at JavaPipe have introduced a Java solution that delivers the benefits of a shared environment with the control, resources, and Tomcat container of dedicated.
  • The Power of Cloud Built for Java developers. Our fast SSD cloud provides scalability, and resilience which means hardware failure won't bring your application offline.
  • Flexible and Easy to Use JavaPipe gives you full access to your Apache Tomcat container. You can upload jars to your classpath, deploy war files, and start and stop your container at any time.
  • Order: Tomcat Cloud Hosting with Customized Perm Gen & Heap Apache Tomcat We provide Apache Tomcat out of the box so you can be sure that development on your desktop can safely be deployed to the cloud. Versions offered: 6.0, 7.0. Oracle Sun JDK Performance, versatility, portability, and security that today's applications require. Versions offered: JAVA 6 and 7 64bit. About JavaPipe JavaPipe, an internet solutions company backed by IT experts specializing in Java and security, was founded in 2001 and is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah with cloud and security scrubbing centers in America and Europe. Order: Tomcat Cloud Hosting with Customized Perm Gen & Heap

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