NetDepot Rolls out VPS offerings! $1 per month introductory offers!!!!!

NetDepot is proud to announce the launch of their Virtual Private Servers! NetDepot’s VPS system comes standard with HyperVM Management Portal, reboot access, Automated OS reloads and LX Admin control panel. These servers have an advantage over low end servers because they are on higher end multi core machines which have a fully raided drive array for the same price! NetDepot utilizes the Avaya RouteScience Optimizer to give our customers 99.999% reliability on their server connection! Your data is also protected behind our leading edge top layer IPS that protects from DDoS, key exploits and viruses. NetDepot VPS Special Offer!!! For a limited time, pay only $1 per month* for your first 2 months of service! This promotion gives you a great opportunity to try NetDepot’s VPS product risk-free and see how it compares to your current hosting solution! NetDepot has three different levels of VPS offerings: RAM Hard Disk Space Transfer Price 512 Megs 25 GB 350 GB $39/Month 1024 Megs 50 GB 1000 GB $59/Month 2048 Megs 100 GB 2000 GB $109/Month If you are looking for a cost effective, highly productive and efficient server, then our new VPS’s are the way to go! *Offer valid for one VPS order per customer through December 31, 2008. After two months, the monthly fee reverts to regular published prices. Offer is not valid to customers already receiving hosting services at the AtlantaNAP datacenter.

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