$5/month off unmanaged 服务器 and $10/month off manged 服务器 OmegaServ.com

We are introducing our new line of Dedicated Servers. Our servers are hosting in 1and1's $25 Million US Data center and come with 24/7 support from our experienced staff. 1and1's Data center has 18000mbps of connectivity and n+1 redundancy. We are offering both managed and unmanaged servers available with either Linux or Windows 2003. Until May 31, 2005 enter the code DSWHT1 in the Referred By field when you register and receive $5/month off unmanaged servers for the first 6months or $10/month off managed servers for the first 6months. Linux root servers starting at $109/month https://www.omegaserv.com/mod.php?mod=siteinfo&id=21 Managed Linux Servers starting at $119/month https://www.omegaserv.com/mod.php?mod=siteinfo&id=20 Unmanaged Windows Servers starting at $139/month https://www.omegaserv.com/mod.php?mod=siteinfo&id=23 Managed Windows Servers starting at $149/month https://www.omegaserv.com/mod.php?mod=siteinfo&id=24

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