Amazing Savvis Colo Deal: 1 Rack + 1MBPS = $619/month

WHT, We are offering the following Colo special for a limited time only! 1 Full Rack 1 20A Power Circuit 1 MBPS For only $619/month and NO setup fee! Location: Savvis datacenter - Jersey City, NJ - a mere 20 minutes from NYC! Includes: 24x7 access to the datacenter Justified IPs (no set limit, assuming the requests are Justified) 1x100mbps cat5 drop About the Datacenter and Network: Savvis owns and operates its own worldwide network with excellent connectivity in the US, Europe and around the world, with nearly 600 peers! Elite Hosts owns locked cage space in the datacenter which is protected 24x7 by armed guards, FM200 fire suppression systems, ID-badge and biometric hand scanners, as well as backup power and cooling systems. (Bandwidth is burstable and measured using 95%. MRTG graphs are provided for customers to monitor usage.) References are available upon request! If you want to arrange a datacenter tour, please contact me. If you are interested, please Email or private message me. You can also reach us at 877-868-0007.

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