Heavy discounts on 20GB VPS accounts!

I have a few more of these discounted VPS's available, when we are sold out of the 20GB special package I will disable the ordering function for it. Disk: 20GB Network Transfer: 200GB Ram: 384MB IP Addresses: 1 Port Speed: 100MB VPS Control Panel: Yes $12.95/mo Order: https://www.just199.com/members/sign...e=8&package=44 (not available directly from our website, You must use this link to order) We also have a new plan Disk: 50GB Network Transfer: 600GB Ram: 1GB (2GB Burst!) IP Addresses: 2 Port Speed: 100MB VPS Control Panel: Yes $59.95/mo Order: https://www.just199.com/members/sign...e=8&package=43 CPanel: $15/mo Private network FTP backup space: .20/GB **info** Data Center: Dallas-idc IP to ping: Test download file: http://tech.just199.com/200MB.zip IRC/P2P Allowed?: No linking to the big guys and dont cause problems

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