
WoW!! Cheapest Raid-10 VPS on Sale now. Instant Setup plus FREE Double Space! 70%OFF VpsXtra are powered by OpenVZ technology with HyperVM control panel. VpxXtra now offers VPS services in Washington DC Data Center. All VPS's will be setup to you after your first payment is made. All our VPS accounts are hosted on servers with at least the following specifications:
  • Intel Core2Quad / Intel Xeon Quad Core CPU (2.5Ghz or above)
  • 8-16GB RAM
  • 4x500GB 10,000 RPM
  • Raid-10 (Hardware)
All our VPS come with: ** 99.8% Uptime Guarantee ** Lightning Fast Tech Support - 24/7 Support ** Live Chat, & Ticket Based Technical Support ** Nightly client backups ** Fast, Reliable Network ** No overloaded servers! ** Full Root SSH Access Choose Your Promotion Code: DOUBLE DISK SPACE PLUS Lifetime 30% Monthly OFF Plus If you pay 3 month you will get additional 2% OFF, pay 6 month you will get additional 4% OFF, pay 12 month you will get additional 8% OFF or pay 24 month you will get additional 12% OFF! PROMO CODE: whtdd30 FIRST MONTH 70% OFF PROMO CODE: wht70 How Much you can save? Let's say you buy our Mega VPS @ $30/month and you pay for yearly. So you will get the 30% OFF by using our promotion coupon plus additional 8% OFF by pay for yearly. That mean you only pay $224 from $360/year or $18.66/month You will save $136/year VpsXtra has four different levels of VPS offerings: http://www.vpsxtra.com/compare.htm OUR Newest VPS Plan: VPS - Pay As You Use. Configure your VPS Plan NOW! Lets take a look at our normal VPS plans: Byte - 128MB RAM (256MB Burst RAM) - 10GB Disk Space 20GB w/ coupon! - 100GB Bandwidth - 1x IP Address - Equal Share CPU $9 /month (Price before discount)- ORDER NOW! Kilo - 256MB RAM (512MB Burst RAM) - 20GB Disk Space 40GB w/ coupon! - 150GB Bandwidth - 1x IP Address - Equal Share CPU $16 /month (Price before discount) - ORDER NOW! Mega - 512MB RAM (1024MB Burst RAM) - 40GB Disk Space 80GB w/ coupon! - 300GB Bandwidth - 2x IP Address - Equal Share CPU $30 /month (Price before discount)- ORDER NOW! Giga - 1024MB RAM (2048MB Burst RAM) - 80GB Disk Space 160GB w/ coupon! - 600GB Bandwidth - 2x IP Address - Equal Share CPU $45 /month (Price before discount) - ORDER NOW! Tera - 2048MB RAM (4096MB Burst RAM) - 120GB Disk Space 240GB w/ coupon! - 1200GB Bandwidth - 3x IP Address - Equal Share CPU $80/month (Price before discount) - ORDER NOW! TEST FILE/IP: FILE: IP: More Info: Datacenter Information Our servers are located in the best world class datacenters for maximum uptime, speed and connectivity. We currently have servers in our Washington DC.

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