Linux 2.4Ghz, 2000GB 流量, $89/month

LIMITED TIME OFFER FOR $89/month: Server Specs * Red Hat Linux 7.2 (Custom) and Apache 1.3.2x web server * 2.4 Ghz Celeron CPU * 256MB RAM * 2000GB Bandwidth * 80GB IDE Hard Drive * 8 IP Addresses * Web based control panel and/or SSH shell for server control. * Dedicated 100 Mbps switch port * Majordomo full listserver program - with automated setup procedure * Comprehensive visitor statistics for each domain on the server * Sendmail 8.11.6 mail server * Unlimited email aliases, mailing lists, auto responders * Bandwidth software to monitor your server's switch port. * Unlimited custom e-mail boxes ( * OpenSSH 3.4 * Custom server name * Free upgrades - when we upgrade the software on our shared servers, we upgrade our dedicated machines at the same time * gpg (GnuPG) 1.0.6 for safe encrypted email * Perl 5.6.1, C, C++, java jdk 1.4, Python 1.5.2 and Python 2.1.1 & TCL * 8.3 Compilers, Emacs 20.7.1 * Anonymous FTP and CGI bin * Secure server ready - Apache Freeware SSLeay * PHP 4 with GD 2.x support, unlimited mSQL and mySQL databases (full server installed) * Real Audio / Video Server G2 * Microsoft FrontPage extensions/Server * Pre-installed cgi-scripts - Every script is added to each domain you setup * Terminal Services * Free DNS for domains on the server * PHP 4.3.x * FrontPage Extensions * 24 hour toll free phone support (Direct answer, no on-hold queues) We've been doing web hosting since 1999 and are members of the Better Business Bureau. See or give us a call at 877-4WYENET (499-3638) and we can discuss your needs. Thanks, Sales Team Wyenet Services, LLC (877) 4WYENET

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