[UK] Xen VPS 768MB 内存 from £11.25 per month! 10% off for life

1xen.co.uk are offering 10% off ALL our high availability Xen VPS accounts for the life of the account until the end of September. Simply use the code WTHSEPT10 when ordering. This means our XenAdvanced account with 768MB RAM can be bought for just £11.25 per month when you pay annually. All accounts are hosted on our own Dell R300 servers which are designed for maximum reliability and performance. All our servers are configured with dual hot-plug redundant power supplies and multiple hot-plug hard drives in RAID. Should a hard drive or power supply fail the server will continue running as normal and we can replace it without you even noticing! Test IP: Test 100mb: These have to be the best value UK Xen accounts on the market!

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