Remote RTMP Hosting Cloud from $9/month: Turnkey, Remote, Scale without downtime

HostRTMP is a cloud web service: Provides remote rtmp servers for site applications that allow users to connect, interact and stream live video from $9/month per instance.
  • Remote RTMP Hosting Just configure provided rtmp address in application setup on your current web host. No need to move site or install new server software.
  • Cost Effective Cloud Once setup you can upgrade/downgrade without need to change settings or setup a different plan. Multiple plans to choose from based on current and expected project needs.
  • Turnkey for VideoWhisper Apps Ready to use with solutions based on VideoWhisper Live Streaming, Video Conference, 2 Way Video Chat, Video Consultation, Video Messenger for the app based streaming and interactivity.
Allows scaling streaming capacity as necessary (both upgrade and downgrade) without requiring configuration change, restart or new setup. Setup once and then scale as needed.

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