Move up to Cloud Hosting and get 50% off, starting at $15 a month

Rebel Networks has been in business for over 10 years. We are an authorized cPanel NOC partner. We are a Microsoft Silver Partner, we are an authorized Citrix partner. We are an optimized Cloudflare Partner. With all our solutions, we have built a fully redundant cloud infrastructure in our Toronto Data Center. You can configure your cloud anyway you prefer. Feel free to set up your cloud with the ram, SSD disk space, an options you need, you can increase ram, disk space as needed at any time. Our cloud is built all on DELL hardware using DEll storage Arrays Pricing starts at $30 a month, but use Coupon code MoveMeUp and get 50% off, 50% will be re-occurring for the time you are our customers. Click here to sign up If you have any questions about our services, please contact us by calling us 1.877.417.3235 ext 2 for sales sending an email to We specialize in special configurations and options, we have customers who have custom software, that we have built into a cloud APP.

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