DDoS protected 服务器 from £35 ($62 USD) per month

--------------------------------- iK:host dedicated servers --------------------------------- All of our servers are protected by advanced DDoS protection and multiple redundant feeds from AboveNet and NRS in California. This makes our servers ideal for small and large IRC based companies. We also offer custom external firewalling of your servers for a small fee. Servers come with a minimum of 1000GB of monthly transfer. This can later be upgraded at any time. Servers are installed with Fedora Core Linux by default, but other distributions can be requested. FreeBSD is also available. We can also install DirectAdmin control panel for only £7 per month. Web IP addresses are free as long as you justify thier usage. IP addresses for use with IRC cost £1 per month per IP but offers very advanced DDoS protection for IRC. Our prices start at only £35 ($62 USD) per month for our cheapest server! Limited stock available. A full pricelist is available at http://www.ikhost.net/servers.html

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