Low end 服务器 Blowout Sale - Prices as low as $69/Month $0 Setup

Hello, Here are the low end servers we have avaliable for your needs. These servers are located in Teleglobe Datacentre in Toronto Canada. The backbone provider is Teleglobe. Server 1: Celeron 1.3 Ghz 256 RAM 40 GB Hard Drive 700 Montly Bandwidth $69 / Month $0 Setup Server 2: Celeron 1.7 Ghz 512 RAM 40 GB Hard Drive 1200 Montly Bandwidth $79 / Month $0 Setup Server 3: P4 2.0 Ghz 512 RAM 40 GB Hard Drive 1200 Monthly Bandwidth $89 / Month $0 Setup Order 5+ servers and recieve an additional $5/month per server. Please contact hbaig at ubhosting dot net or visit http://www.ubhosting.net for more information. Thank you.

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