[UK] Fast, Reliable Unmetered Colocation - Free Setup from £83.33/Month

Can Ikcs save you money on your colocation requirements? We have the following colocation deals currently: 10mbit unmetered connection + 1U Rackspace - £100/Month or £1000/Year 100mbit unmetered connection + 1U Rackspace - £400/Month or £4000/Year What differs ikcs from the rest? - All servers are on remote reboot ports - All servers have kvm over ip access - Our servers are located in the UK - Our Transit suppliers offer us a 100% Uptime agreement - We offer 24/7 Support - We can provide details of existing (Nominated) Clients who would be quite happy to share their experience with us. - We offer a 7 Day Money back Guarantee Direct Admin is £10/Month extra www.ikcs.net/test.file - Test our speeds with this 50MB download. - Test IP E-Mail lawrence@ikcs.net or call 0870 141 7273 with any questions you may have, for a custom quote or to place an order.

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