Special deals: Unmetered 100mbit AMD.2.4 83USD/month

Hello there everyone. One of my friend is closing his contract on FDC. I take the oppurtunity again to resell the server so that the great deal is not going wasted. AMD 2.4 512 DDRAM 80gb HDD 100Mbit port Unmetered BW provider: Cogent Abovenet Telia (Now faster and better uplink to europe) Price: 119usd/month or pre-pay for 3 month 260USD (Huge discount on prepay) OS provided: Windows 2003 (Free) and any UNIX versions Controllpanel provided: Cpanel, Plesk and Direct admin all free Server is hosted at FDCservers.net . FDC is well known for the keen offers on BW and free OS as well as controllpanels. The datacenter has an uptime of 98% and has been in buisness for many years now. You may take a look at fdcservers.net for further info. Good luck and looking forward to hear from a potential take over. Contact me on my mail: saravanan_sg85@yahoo.com Have a good day Srikanth

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