Vrt服务器 - P4 3.2 Ghz, 1GB 内存, 160GB HDD, 1200GB BW - $78.00/month FREE setup

Limited time offer! Please put 'WHT' in the special instruction box to receive the discounted price. P4 3.2 Ghz w/ HT 1GB RAM 160 GB HDD 1200 GB data transfer 100 Mbps uplink port Setup: FREE Monthly: $94.00 Setup: FREE Yearly: $940.00 (~$78.00/month) https://www.vrtservers.net/ds_p432_sp.htm Operating system option: CentOS, Redhat, Fedora, Debian, FreeBSD: FREE Windows 2003 standard edition: $19.99/month Control panel: Webmin: FREE cPanel: $29.99/month DirectAdmin: $10.99 /month OR $59.99 one-time fee Test IP: Location: Los Angeles Server setup: Please allow 24-48 business hours after your payment is received. More servers & options: http://www.vrtservers.net/services.htm Questions? please email me at: ivan@vrtservers.net / call +1.626.288.7717

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