512MB Ram | 35GB Space | 500GB 流量 | 1GBPS | $4.79/Month | High Quality

All the other hosts got you down? Server speeds are slow? Support is horrible? Well then you came to the right place. TheVPSGods.com has the ultimate in high quality but yet affordable virtual servers. We use OPENVZ for all our Virtual Servers. Also unlike the other hosts that offer OpenVZ are servers are not oversold. Why dont you check out our current two servers and decide if were the ones for you Our 512MB Plan: 512mb Ram 35GB Space 500GB Bandwidth 1 IP Address 100MBPS Burstable TO 1GBPS SolusVM Order: http://thevpsgods.com/clientarea/cart.php?a=add&pid=1 Monthly: $7.99 USD/Month Quarterly: $7.59 USD/Month Semi-Annually - $7.19 USD/Month Annually - $6.79 USD/Month Bi-Annually - $5.99 USD/Month Triennially - $4.79 USD/Month Our 1024MB Plan: 1024mb Ram 50GB Space 750GB Bandwidth 1 IP Address 100MBPS Burstable TO 1GBPS SolusVM Order: http://thevpsgods.com/clientarea/cart.php?a=add&pid=2 Monthly: $15.99 USD/Month Quarterly: $15.25 USD/Month Semi-Annually - $14.39 USD/Month Annually - $13.59 USD/Month Bi-Annually - $11.99 USD/Month Triennially - $9.59 USD/Month Have any questions? Contact us at sales@thevpsgods.com or post here.

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