RED HOT XEN VPS DEALS! Starting at just $9.99 a month! Internap 流量!

JWEB-EDU, Inc. are currently taking orders for three VPS plans, powered by Citrix XenServer: 128MB of RAM, 15 GB RAID Protected drive space, with 100GB Internap Performance Bandwidth, and 1 IP, for $9.99/month - Order here 512MB of RAM, 60 GB RAID Protected drive space, with 200GB Internap Performance Bandwidth, and 1 IP, for $35/month - Order here 1GB of RAM, 125 GB RAID Protected drive space, with 300 GB Internap Performance Bandwidth, and 1 IP, for $60/month - Order here If you would like more resources, you can purchase another VPS and we'll add on the resources for you. Additional IPs are available for $2/IP, and additional bandwidth is 20¢ per GB. Simply put, we provide the best value in hosting. Our low-frills approach to hosting ensures that we can provide top-notch services at a price that you would typically only associate with inferior goods. Our servers are located in Lombard, IL, and use premium-grade bandwidth on Internap's Performance IP Network. When it comes to our services, we're as simple as can be - we give you your root password, and you go off from there. If you need an OS reload, we can take care of that for you at no charge. Also, you can run whatever you would like to run on your VPS, except for SPAM, and anything that would be considered illegal here in the US. These VPS deals are guaranteed to sell fast, so sign up while you still can! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me through email at or by phone at (224) 330-2600.

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