Take Over: [Telecity2 Amsterdam] Secured Pentium 4 €93.83 per Month

The server spec is as below: - Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz - 2x 80GB HDD ST380011A, UDMA100 RAID1 - 1024MB Ram - 10 Ip's - RedHat 9 - PHP 4.4.2 - Apache Core 1.3.36 - Latest cPanel/WHM - APC remote reboot port - 1000 GB Data-traffic - TeleCity 2, Amsterdam, Netherlands - Uplink: FE (100 Mbps) - Firewall and some extra feature had been installed for easier management. - And also, I let done server hardening which cost $80. (you get it for free) See also http://www.configserver.com/cp/cpanel.html - The next payment to Leaseweb is on 30 September 2006 by Bank or PayPal. - Payment in advance per 3 months. I would like someone to takeover it, cost per month is €93.83 Fees are monthly and in Euros. "Add 19% VAT for EU residents". - Because we don't use it anymore. Server is from Leaseweb, a highly recommended and well known european company. - Adult and IRC allowed - No Eggdrop or Shell hosting - €93.83 Per month (3 months prepayment) (Payed till 30-09-2006) - Leaseweb accept Credit-Card & PayPal * No clients involved only the server. Make me a decent offer for the last month that I already payed for. Regards, Martin 2HostMe

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