Dual Core, Dual Opteron 265, 2x250GB HDD, 8Gb Ram,cPanel/WHM+Installatron,$225/month

I just bought a Dual Core, Dual Opteron 265 from Selectvps (The BEST company) that I have dealth with.... Below are the specs and pricing... Dual Core, Dual Opteron 265 8Gb Ram 2x250GB HDD (Raid1) 4IPs 100MBPS Port 2.5TB BW cPanel/WHM + Installatron My price $225/month - Selling for $225/month -> Installatron paid in full ($60.00) Also, comes with Basic Management as well the DC is in Peer 1 Datacenter in Miami, Fl. I just got the server just under 24hrs. Reason for resell is becuase I need to purchase another Server with a different setup... If you are interested please PM me..... Chance of a lifetime.....

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