TORONTO - Low end 服务器 sale ONLY $59/Month - $0 Setup Fee - Limited Quantity

Hello, We are offering the following dedicated server located in Toronto Canada. Very Limited quantity. Here are the specs: Intel Celeron 2.93 GHz 40 GB HDD 512 GB RAM 300 GB Transfer 5 IPs 10 Mbps Uplink Pricing : $59 USD/Month $0 Setup Fee. ORDER NOW CUSTOM ORDERS If you want a custom build order (cpu, ram, bandwidth, etc) please email me at hbaig @ and let me know what hardware you want and I will give you a price for it. CentOs 4.x Fedora Core 3, 4 Redhat 9.0 WHM/cPanel: $25/Month Remote Reboot: $10/Month Windows 2000: $25/Month Windows 2003 Web: $30/Month Windows 2003 Standard: $35/Month Backbone provider is: Teleglobe Test IP: Test URL: Payment Method: Visa and Mastercard or Paypal Please note that this offer is specially for For more information visit or email hbaig @ or call +1.(647)-896-2242. No IRC/Adult Content Allowed. Every order is verified by phone or email. Please allow 24-48 hours for the server activation. Click HERE for TERMS OF SERVICE Thank you

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