VPS1024 + VPN Trial - Melbourne Australia @ Cloudverse - $10/month - Paypal

Hi Guys, The VPN is included and is available in the management panel as an additional feature in the networking tab. You do not need to build a separate VPN, we have one ready for you. Please watch the instructional video https://youtu.be/XJyQMRbAMUw https://cloudverse.com.au/index.php?/cart/&step=3 Operating Systems: ubuntu18-xen, centos7-xen, debian8-xen. sudo su - once logging on. Your password is shown in the UI. username for centos: centos username for ubuntu: ubuntu username for debian: debian Once you have signed up navigate to https://cloudverse.com.au/index.php?/clientarea/ You will need to setup firewall rules for outgoing and incoming connections - until you do so you will not be able to ping anything or access your vm remotely. This is configured on the network tab. Regards, Adrian Sender W: https://cloudverse.com.au E: asender@cloudverse.com.au
