Maple-Hosting - Windows VPS - Two Months @ Price of One! 100% Uptime Monitor!

Maple-Hosting has been providing advanced, reliable and affordable online solutions since 2008. We are now offering a special promotion to all WHT users. Promotion Applies to: Windows VPS Plans What is included in this promotion?
  • Due date reset to the last day of the next month.
  • Free unlimited uptime monitor (The VPS IP will be monitored 24x7. In case it is unavailable for more than 15 minutes, an SMS will be sent to our technicians which will reset the VPS and by that assure you 100% uptime.)
What does this mean? Purchase a Windows VPS between the 01/08/2010 to 28/08/2010 (DD/MM/YY) and have your due date changed to 30/09/2010 (instead of the normal anniversary due date). You will also receive free unlimited uptime monitor to assure 100% uptime. How can I get it? Simply order a Windows VPS and reply to this thread with your first name and the first letter of your last name. Example:

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