Amsterdam - 50GB, 768MB - $5.60/month using 50%off coupon

We have added our low cost VPS50 to Amsterdam - 60 slots are immediately available. The first 20 customers can use the coupon AMSTERDAMVPS5050 which will give you 50% discount on your first payment irrespective of whether you pay monthly, quarterly or yearly. If you pay yearly you'll usually pay $134.40 with the coupon you'd save $67.20 and pay only $67.20 for the whole year which works out at $5.60/month Processor is Intel Quad Xeon W3520. Test IP: Whats included: - 50GB Disk - 768MB RAM - 2GB Burst RAM - Unmetered Bandwidth (limit 3.2TB/month) - 1 IP's (Max 1 IP) - 10Mbps network connection - Control Panels included: Webmin $14/month Order here: Coupon: AMSTERDAMVPS5050 Please note: - Warez sites, Torrents, Software/Movie piracy are not permitted

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