Budget 服务器 in Germany from $40/month! Only $370 anually

Hello, We only have one of these in stock so act FAST! Server Specifications: 733mhz Pentium 3 256mb DDR 10gb HDD 500gb/month transfer (upgradable) 100mbit port Ubuntu 7.04 (Can install other OS) Free Plesk 8.1 licence with 10 domains (once Ubuntu 7.04 is supported, or with alternate OS) Optional: - DirectAdmin available for £5/month - Management available for £10/month *** contact us after ordering to obtain these optional add-ons *** Monthly price: £20 / $40 / €30 6-month price: £100 / $200 / €147 12-month price: £185 / $370 / €272 Order URL: https://secure.ikhost.net/billing/or...erwiz.php?v=12 We have other (higher spec for just as cheap prices!) servers available. Please direct questions and requests to me via private message. Thank you for reading

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