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Hello, We have some dedicated server offers we would like people to know about. Hosted out of our michigan datacenter testip. Single Dual core processor Pentium 4 3GHZ (2x3GHZ cores) (4 left) or single Dual core Opteron 165 (2x1.8ghz cores) (1 left) 2GB ram 1 80 GB Hard drive (2 drives max) Centos (windows available for a fee) 1 IP address 1000 GB transfer First month $59.50 then $119 a month after that. Dual processor xeon 2.8GHZ (2x2.8ghz cpus) (HT support) 2GB ram 1 80 GB Hard drive (2 drives max) Centos (windows available for a fee) 1 IP address 1000 GB transfer First month $74.50 then $149 a month after that. Dual processor Xeon 2.8ghz (2x2.8ghz cpus) (HT support) 2GB ram 2x 80 GB Hard drives. Hardware raid available up to 6 drives. Centos (windows available for a fee) 1 IP address 1000 GB transfer First month $89.50 then $179 a month after that. Please go here for more information and to sign up. Thank you very much. Affordablegameservers.com support@affordablegameservers.com 248-842-1614 questions_afgs Yahoo affordablegame Aim Live chat also available on the website. Payment methods on site are paypal, contact us on chat for other methods as well.

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