VendettaTech's "These Prices Are Making Me Cry" Special!

In celebration of our new brand, NTWX, LLC., and our new billing system, Ubersmith, we're offering some killer deals on everything left in stock. The quick facts: Location: 611 Wilshire, Los Angeles, CA, 90017 Bandwidth: Level3 & CogentCO Test IP: Order page: All servers come with: * 1000GB Bandwidth * 8 IPs FreeBSD is installed by default, but we can install any free linux/unix operating system of your choice. =Pentium 4 2.8GHz, 512MB RAM, 40GB HD - $79/month (QTY 3) ** First two orders get free random upgrade! =Pentium 4 2.4GHz, 512MB RAM, 20GB HD - $65/month (QTY 1) =Dual Pentium 3 1.4GHz, 1.5GB RAM, 40GB HD - $68/month (QTY 3) =Celeron 2.4GHz, 512MB RAM, 40GB HD - $62/month (QTY 1) =Celeron 1.7GHz, 384MB RAM, 20GB HD - $50/month (QTY 3) Once they're gone, they're gone! ----------------------------------------------------------------- All legal content is allowed (IRC & adult are fine). IP address upgrades are as follows: 16 IPs - $7/mo 32 IPs - $14/mo 64 IPs - $25/mo 128 IPs - $55/mo 256 IPs - $120/mo Justification is required for anything over 16 IPs. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Questions? Comments? Just want to chat? Contact us via email at or Thanks!

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