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Why order from HostingRQ? HostingRQ has a vision of offering high quality hosting with affordable pricing for each customer. You can expect to receive the personal support that is hard to find anywhere else. Rest assured, our support quality will not deteriorate with an increase in customers. Unlike other budget hosting companies, the price you pay DOES NOT determine the service you receive. We dare to be different so our goal is to become more unique than any other hosting companies! you are used to! We are right now changing almost everything on our website. And we start selling VPS/Dedicated Server. Don't hesitate to contact us for a private quote, or if you need anything more like Ram, control panel such as cPanel and much more. Feel free to contact us, VPS Hosting Plans To take advantage of 50% off second month simply place a ticket mentioning this post after order and it will be deducted from next invoice automatically. Our Site Contact Us

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