Awesome 服务器 deals! Super discounts! You won't believe it until you see it!

I have two servers available in Arizona: Intel Core2Quad Q6600 4 GB RAM 500 GB HDD 1800 GB Bandwidth DirectAdmin $279.99 monthly $0.00 setup or $259.99 monthly $69.99 setup The second server I have is: Intel Core2Duo E6300 2 GB RAM 320 GB HDD 1600 GB Bandwidth 20 IP's $164.99 monthly $0.00 setup or $144.99 monthly $69.99 setup Reply here to claim one, and check out our 100 MBit unmetered servers starting at $149 a month here! For an extra $19 a month, get FULL management. IRC and adult are NOT allowed on these.

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