Dual Xeon's $80/month

Hello all, We are beating the industry once again with an offer that you are sure to love. Our network is a premium blend of some of the finest providers in the country. Our servers are located in 530 W. 6th street in Los Angeles, California. We own and operate all our servers. Reboots are done within 15 minutes and are free of charge. We have a 99.99% network uptime guarantee and a 100% power uptime guarantee. Dual Xeon 2.4gHz 2GB RAM 250GB HDD 2000GB Bandwidth 5 IP's $80.00/month Dual Xeon 2.8gHz 4GB RAM 250GB HDD 5 IP's 2000GB Bandwidth $120.00/month cPanel - $35.00/month Directadmin - $15.00/month Order at www.comfyhost.net/billing/signup.php Thanks

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