P-IV 2.8 GHz.:: 3 GB 内存 :: CentOS 4:: 2 IP:: First month $50 off

Dedicated Server First month $50 off.. Pentium IV 2.8 GHz. RAM- 3GB HDD- 160 GB X 2 Bandwidth- 3000 GB 100mpbs network card Operating Sstem- Centos 4 2 IP Addresses (additional IP addresses are available upon request and justification) Price: $159/month ORDER NOW.. Included with the Server: Dedicated switched port BGPv4 Routed Network Full Root access to the server 24/7 Reboots free of charge 24/7 Monitoring 24/7 Network Availability Access to Network at 10Mbps Bandwidth Monitoring 99.9% Uptime (Exclude scheduled maintenance) Price: $159/month ORDER NOW.. About us: ComfortHost.net has been around since 2004 and have an amazing reputation for providing secured Dedicated Servers in very low price along with superb customer service - giving you the confidence you need to know it'll be around for years to come. Our motto is customer satisfaction. To know more about us feel free to visit our website www.comforthost.net Please feel free to email us directly with any questions at sales@comforthost.net

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