[UK] Quad core 独立 服务器 £80/month with free 2GB iPod Shuffle!

We've got two brand new Dell R200 based dedicated servers up for grabs, each fitted with a 2.13GHz Quad Core Intel Xeon processor and hosted on our gigabit network in a premier UK data centre. These powerful machines are available for just £80 each per month and what's more, with each order you get a free 2GB Apple iPod shuffle! Both of the machines are and available immediately with no setup fees or hidden charges and come pre-installed with CentOS 5.2 but can be loaded with your choice of operating system on request. - Intel Xeon Quad Core 2.13GHz - 2048MB RAM - 2x80GB HDD (RAID1 or RAID0) - 2TB Data Transfer - Service Level Agreement, 99.95% network availability As we're a smaller company we take a more personal approach to our business, and our staff are always happy to help. If you're not confident managing the server yourself, or you would like to be able to draw on our expertise in an emergency then we can also offer semi or fully managed services as well as a fully managed firewall option complete with intrusion protection and virtual private network tunnels if required. Please be aware that at this time these servers are offered strictly on a first-come-first-served basis. They are the remaining pair available on a recent buildout of which the other machines have already been provisioned to other clients. Please contact me via PM or E-mail on edward.dore@xion-internet.co.uk for more information. Thanks, Edward - Xion Internet

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