- 50% Recurring Discount plus First Month Free!

TheHostGuys are a no nonsense web host. We believe in the best and nothing else. Our goal is to make your service simply the best it can be. If this means finding you a basic VPS account of a dedicated VPS Node with Quad Core Xeons and 36GB Ram. No job is too big or small for TheHostGuys, and we have the support to keep us alive above the rest. TheHostGuys are specialised in Customer Satisfaction. This means that you can contact us in any way you chose. All our clients are provided with a dedicated account manager when going into their second month of service with us. This account manager will give you his / her personal messenger address and also direct line number. This is to ensure that you will get the support you deserve from us at any time. TheHostGuys also have 24/7 on-site and off-site staff. They work in Sales and Technical Support. We have support technicians who can deal with any queries and we never outsource our support teams. We also have our own dedicated support line which you can call and is then forwarded in out of office hours to our teams company provided mobile handsets. This is to ensure true 24 / 7 support from TheHostGuys. Here at TheHostGuys we love giving our fellow WHT'rs a good offer. Hows about a FREE MONTH! and then 50% Discount Recurring? We offer UK VPS's on a low latency network with the best Dell Hardware money can buy! Fancy That? Its simple to sign up, go to, Click the package you want, Sign up, Enter discount codes freetrial, and 50off. We will make sure to get your VPS provisioned within a hour today! Thanks We look forward to working with you.
